The TLC Stamping Department is equipped with a variety of high-speed presses with capacities up to 250 tons capable of running dies up to 36 by 72 inches in physical size. TLC has continually updated its press facilities with the most modern, computer-controlled machines in order to produce the type of precision, close tolerance parts that represent the majority of the company’s motor lamination products.

In addition to production quantities, TLC can produce prototypes and short runs at economical prices including tooling and with very short lead times. This is accomplished by using various processes that, depending upon the tolerances and complexity of the part, include notch tooling, laser cut laminations or wire EDM laminations.

Stator and Rotor Metal Stamping

Click to ExpandMotor Lamination Stamping

Metal stamping is an innovative process used to create motor laminations for a diverse array of applications. Metal stamping offers clients a wide range of customization capabilities, as the dies and materials used for this process can be designed to customer specifications.

After finalizing a die design, we perform custom metal stamping as well as all the processes that take place later in the production cycle, including annealing, assembly, and grinding. In this way, we act as a one-stop shop for fabricating motor laminations.

Every die we design is stored in both our physical warehouse and digital database, ensuring that we can produce your products whenever you need them.

Stamping Dies

TLC carries a catalog of over 1,500 dies to produce laminations. We also design and build proprietary dies for specific customer requirements, which include dedicated carbide progressive dies or master insert dies. We also offer notching and laser cutting services for prototyping, short-run, and low-volume applications.

In the custom metal stamping process, our designers work with clients to create a die that matches their specifications. After this, we select a metal workpiece that carries the attributes that work best in the client’s designated application. We place split coil of the selected metal into the stamping press, which progressively stamps the metal.

Once the metal has been stamped, we perform secondary processes such as annealing and assembly. We store all our dies on-site and save all CAD/CAM files used to design the dies in our database.

For a full catalog of TLC die offerings, please click here.

Materials Used in Motor Stamping

We use a wide range of materials to produce high-quality parts to customer specifications. Some of the metals we use include:


We can use Hiperco 50 (composed of 50% cobalt) or Vacodur 49 (composed of 50% cobalt) to stamp materials with thicknesses of 0.004” to 0.020”. Cobalt–iron alloys bring a wide range of benefits to stamped end products, including improved wear, corrosion, and heat resistance.

Nickel Alloy

We work with nickel alloys ranging from:

  • HiPerm 49 (composed of 49% nickel)
  • Permenorm 5000 V5 (composed of 50% nickel)
  • VDM MAG 50 (composed of 48% nickel)
  • HyMu 80 (composed of 80% nickel)
  • VDM MAG 7904 (composed of 80% nickel)

We use these alloys to stamp parts with thicknesses of 0.004” to 0.020”. Nickel alloys are particularly useful in motor components because they’re highly permeable at low to moderate inductions, and they also do not possess high core losses.

Silicon Steel

We use fully processed, nonoriented silicon steel of the following grades:

  • M15
  • M19
  • M22
  • M27
  • M36
  • M45

With these types of silicon steel, we can stamp parts with thicknesses of 0.014” to 0.025”. Often called “electrical steel,” silicon steel is highly conductive for electricity, which means that it is used to build objects as varied as small relays, pulse transformers, generators, and motors.

Thin-Gauge Electrical Steel

In addition to silicon steel, we work with other types of thin-gauge electrical steel such as Sura and Arnon material to produce parts with thicknesses ranging from 0.003” to 0.010”. These types of steel work well in applications in which require higher performance and energy-efficient requirements.

Hiperco 50 Alloy Stamping

We at TLC are proud to work with Hiperco 50 alloy, which is a highly specialized cobalt alloy that benefits industries requiring the use of high-strength but lightweight metals, such as:

  • Aerospace
  • Military and defense

Hiperco is composed of 48–50% cobalt and 2% vanadium, with the rest of it comprising iron. This high cobalt content makes it well suited to applications that require very high flux density without risking saturation, as well as those that seek high tensile strength.

Hiperco 50 alloy works well in motor applications that require high magnetic saturation and high strength without sacrificing a component’s lightness. This means that Hiperco 50 alloys work well in:

  • Special motors
  • Electromagnets for medical applications
  • Specialty transformers
  • Electrical generators
  • Magnetic bearings
  • Pole pieces for electromagnets
  • High magnetic flux devices and instruments

Quality Lamination Stamping

Thomson Lamination Co. performs custom stamping services for clients requiring high-end specialty laminations built to extremely tight tolerances.

Our stamping department is equipped with high-speed presses with capacities of up to 250 tons.

If you would like to learn more about our products and services, please contact us today!

Motor Lamination Stamping